Joe Paterno photo by Ray Tharaldson
all rights reserverd 2012
It's the first indication in the report that Penn State's "culture of reverence for the football program" contributed to Sandusky being able to molest multiple children over more than a decade.
According to the report, an adult male who was not part of the Attorney General's prosecution of Sandusky alleged he was molested by the Penn State assistant coach "over 100 times" in the mid-1990s, including in Penn State showers "where Sandusky fondled him and performed oral sex on him."
The first record of Penn State administrators being aware of Sandusky's actions came in May 1998 when the mother of a Second Mile participant reported Sandusky had bear-hugged her son in a Penn State shower.

Until now, it was unclear whether or not Paterno knew of the 1998 incident. His family has denied it, and Paterno's testimony before the grand jury indicated he didn't, but the Freeh report quotes an internal email from Curly to Schultz in which he asks if there's anything new with the investigation because "Coach is anxious to know where it stands."
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