
The Rain Didn't Stop This Parade! Enjoy Your Labor Day America!

by Navy Mom Mary
Today was another amazing day for Larry, Ray and I. We scouted out, photographed and talked with bikers, car enthusiasts and many veterans. Rain does not stop true car enthusiasts. They came out in droves and kept coming in.

We have some amazing news! Keeping our fingers & toes crossed and of course, the prayers going as well. We talked with a couple of guys from the Space Coast. They are taking both flyers back to their corporate offices to talk to them about - are you ready? Orlando Rocks Benefit, Inc. ROCKING THE SPACECOAST!!!!! Oh yeah! This is what it is all about! Spreading the word and helping our brothers & sisters.

This is what I promised at the very first show - " I (WE) will take it across this great nation of our's." We all came away with a very, very proud heart.

We have just risen above 3200 hits in 3 weeks. This IS amazing!

Mary Louise

Orlando Rocks Benefit Inc.

Orlando Rocks Benefit Inc. Facebook Page

photos by Ray Tharaldson & Larry Ingrassia

Tito's SS Camaro

Ed Stanley's 1925 Roadster

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