
Teen girls give Pa. woman black eye for 'shushing' them in movie theater

 (screen shot/WPXI)

By John Luciew | 

A Stroudsburg, Pa., woman suffered a broken eye socket and bruises during the attack, which took place in a local movie theater of all places. 

And why did the group of teen girls allegedly pounce on victim Cindy Santamaria-Williams?
She tells WNEP-TV, which broke the story, that she 'shushed' them for being "loud and cursing."

Worse, the attack didn't occur during the heat of the moment inside the theater. The woman tells WNEP that the girls jumped her after the film let out:

"They immediately jumped on me and knocked me to the ground, punched me in the face," she said, adding that the original girls were waiting with five other teens.
She tells WNEP that she hopes someone will come forward to help police catch the young suspects:

"They were in my face. Their face is in my head.  If I see them again or in a line up, I know exactly who they are," Santamaria-Williams said.
Stroud Area Regional Police Chief William Parrish says authorities are looking at video from the mall.

pa-movie-theater-beating-suspects.jpgAn image of the suspects in the alleged beating of Cindy Santamaria-Williams of Stroudsburg, Pa., who suffered a broken eye socket and bruises during an attack that took place in a local movie theater after she 'shushed' teen girls who she says were talking loudly and cursing during the film.


No word on what the movie was that started all this.

Check out WNEP's video report on the case right here.

So would you fear asking others to be quiet during movies due to the violent reaction in this case?
Tell us.
This story has been updated to include an image of the suspects in the case from WNEP.

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