
Trump to Romney: Demand Obama's college records

Billionaire businessman and Mitt Romney supporter Donald Trump said Monday morning that the GOP nominee should release more of his tax returns — as soon as President Obama releases his college records.

"Obama should give his college applications and records — you talk about transparency," Mr. Trump said on "Fox and Friends." "We will learn more about Obama when we look at those college applications than any other thing that can happen."
White House spokesman Jay Carney last week dismissed the issue as "preposterous," labeling it "the Donald Trump question."
"This is from the guy who insisted that he didn't believe the president was born in the United States," Mr. Carney said.
Nevertheless, Mr. Trump said Republicans should keep pushing on the issue.
"If I were Mitt Romney or advising Mitt Romney, I would say, 'I will put out all of my records, I'll go back as far as you want, after you put out your records on college,'" he said.
"I'll tell you what — the Republicans have to get a lot tougher," he continued. "They have to get down and dirty also, because that's what's happening to them."

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