
Artist paints over Paterno’s halo on Pa. mural

STATE COLLEGE, Pa. (AP) — An artist has removed a halo from a mural of Penn State football coach Joe Paterno amid the school’s child sex-abuse scandal.

Michael Pilato had put a halo over Paterno’s image after the beloved coach’s death in January, but said he felt he had to remove it Saturday after a report that Paterno, former university president Graham Spanier and others buried allegations of child sex-abuse against ex-assistant Jerry Sandusky. Paterno’s family denies the claim.

Pilato added a large blue ribbon, instead, on Paterno’s lapel symbolizing support for child abuse victims, a cause the artist said Paterno had endorsed.

Pilato earlier removed Sandusky from the downtown mural. He said he hasn’t made a decision on Spanier’s image. Spanier has not been charged. Sandusky has been convicted and is awaiting sentencing.

The statue of Joe Paterno outside Penn State's Beaver Stadium will remain standing, at least for now.

After having discussions, members of Penn State's Board of Trustees decided to leave it up for the time being, according to the report, which relies on unnamed sources.

The trustees did not want to offend Penn State students and alumni who still love Paterno despite the Louis Freeh report that concluded Paterno was involved in a coverup in the Jerry Sandusky child sexual abuse case.

They also want to avoid making a rash decision in the heat of the moment. There has been considerable debate in the media about whether the statue should be taken down.

"You can't let people stampede you into making a rash decision," said one trustee, according to the ESPN report. "The statue represents the good that Joe did. It doesn't represent the bad that he did."

In board meetings in Scranton, Pa., held Thursday and Friday, some trustees believe the statue would have to be taken down at some point, but they decided that it would stand for the coming weeks and months.

"It has to stay up," said another trustee, according to the report. "We have to let a number of months pass, and we'll address it again. But there is no way, no way. It's just not coming down."

A campus security guard was stationed just a few feet the Paterno statue on Saturday, to prevent vandalism.

Joe Paterno photo by Ray Tharaldson
all rights reserved 2012

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