
Secret Servive scandal spreads to second hotel

By Whit Johnson
(CBS News) Suspicion is spreading in the Secret Service scandal beyond the agents in just one Colombian hotel.

CBS News correspondent Whit Johnson reports that a law enforcement official told CBS News that the latest agent under investigation brought a woman back to the Hilton Hotel in Cartagena, Columbia, just five days before the president would be staying there.

Until now, the Hotel Caribe had been the focus of the scandal, where the other 22 members of the Secret Service and military accused of inappropriate behavior were checked in.

"Now you're into the hotel where the president of the united states was going to stay, and it just gets more troubling," Sen. Joe Lieberman said on "Face the Nation."

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Lieberman is now joining some of his Senate colleagues like Republican Chuck Grassley who are also calling for a broader investigation into whether White House staffers could have been involved.

While the scandal is getting a lot of attention on Capitol Hill, when asked directly, most lawmakers have voiced support for the way Secret Service Director Mark Sullivan has handled the fall-out.

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