
Jennifer Aniston reveals she was a dumpy teenager

Actress Jennifer Aniston, who was recently crowned the Hottest Woman of All Time in a new poll by Men’s Health magazine, reveals she wasn’t always the most beautiful girl. “I was a dumpy teenager. My mum was a model and was all about looks, so I rebelled by going goth. It took me years of peeling back the onion to finally stop using make-up as a mask and feel comfortable in my skin,” quoted her as saying.

Jennifer Aniston thanks her Greek genes for her cool California glow, but the actress admits she’s starting to see a few negative effects from her years of sun worshiping.
“I’ve started getting those little sun spots,” she tells InStyle. “Things are beginning to pop out. Even the texture [of my skin] is changing. So I’ve recently started zapping the spots and getting spray tans whenever I can. And I’ve graduated to using SPF 60 sunblock when I’m on the beach.”

 She quickly dispels any rumors of cosmetic enhancements, however. “People think that I do a lot of injections, but I don’t,” she states. “I’m not saying that I haven’t tried it … but I see how it’s a slippery slope.” Still, she plans to stay away for the time being. “All that cosmetic stuff looks ridiculous on me,” she shares.

Revealing that she tints her eyelashes every three weeks (“I hate wearing mascara,” she says) and that she used to keep scissors in her car’s glove compartment to trim split ends (“It was a weird tic,” she admits), the star says she wasn’t always confident about her looks.

But these days, the “Sexiest Woman of All Time” takes comments on her looks in stride.

“I quit smoking a few months ago and I put on a couple of pounds,” she says. “Normally I’d be like, ‘Oh my god, I gained weight! Everyone is going to think I’m pregnant!’” Not anymore. “Now,” she says, “I just don’t care.” For more with Aniston, pick up the January InStyle, on newsstands now.

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