
Reagan statue unveiled at National Airport

WASHINGTON -- On Tuesday a 9-foot-tall, 900-pound bronze statue of Ronald Reagan will be unveiled at Reagan National Airport outside Washington.

Part of a year-long tribute in the 100-year anniversary of Reagan’s birth, the sculpture may reopen old wounds for those local residents who have gritted their teeth ever since the airport was contentiously renamed in the 40th president's honor 13 years ago.

The statue, in front of one of the airport's busiest intersections, will show the former president in mid-stride. Behind him there will be a 38-foot curving stainless steel wall with his name and the image of an eagle cut out.

"To have a statue at his airport was important to us," said Melissa Giller, a spokeswoman for the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation, which raised over $900,000 in private donations to pay for the statue. "The mission of the centennial wasn't just to have a celebration, it was to promote the legacy of Ronald Reagan and his life."

"It's going to be near the front of Terminal A," said Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority spokesman Rob Yingling. "It's a highly visible location, because it is at a junction point where vehicles that are headed to Terminal A or Terminal B split from the main roadway."

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