
Penn State Riot: WHY?

Why destroy a news truck? What role did it or the TV Station play in this tragedy? Was it destroyed for the sake of great youtube video? Where was the outrage by Penn State student body for the children who's lives will be  forever damaged and or destroyed? Why did it take the firing of JoPa for the rage to surface? Why aren't you outraged that your college tuition was probably used to pay off people? Why aren't you outraged that your tuition will probably be used to pay the legal defense of the college? Why aren't you outraged about the millions of dollars of future tuition that will be used to settle with the victims? Why did the college and local police department drop the ball or knowingly look the other way? Why did the DA investigating the story come up missing and is presumed dead? Why isn't Mike McQueary who witnessed the act but didn't step in and do something being held to the same standard as Joe Paterno? Why did people knowingly enable Jerry Sandusky to continue his predatory activities on campus? If these are the future leaders of our society, will they display the same poor judgement as adults as they are now? WHY?

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