
Casey Anthony: In the British Virgin Islands?

Casey Anthony was seen on the remote island of Jost Van Dyke in the British Virgin Islands on Monday morning July 18 by locals and some tourist staying at the Sandcastle Inn on White Bay Beach. Several local residence of the sparsely populated tropical island who work at the Soggy Dollar Bar were certain that they saw the newly freed Anthony lounging on the beach in front of the small beachfront Inn.

Around 10:00 am several guests of the small hotel that offers only a handful of private bungalows hidden along a short stretch of beach were surprised to see a woman that looked to be Casey Anthony reading a magazine under the palms that shade the hotels grounds. Both the Bars staff and hotel guests say that Casey quickly disappeared back into her bungalow and they have yet to see her reappear since.

Shane Cooke, a local charter boat captain with Tortola Charters, landed on the beach around 9:45 with a small group of tourist from the nearby island of Tortola. As soon as he made it to the beach he was surprised to find a woman that appeared to be Casey Anthony sitting in a beach chair reading a magazine. He joined the group that had gathered at the nearby Soggy Dollar to talk about the Casey sighting. He had no doubt that it was her and didn’t blame her for heading out of Orlando and to Jost Van Dyke. “It’s the perfect hideaway down here, when Kenny Chesney wants to get away he comes here; so if I’d been in jail for 3 years why not head here too – makes sense to me – I’m sure it was her – but people don’t realize that we get Fox down here too.” Captain Cooke said that Casey was wearing a large white hat and a one piece black bathing suit.

 Tourist and Locals at the Soggy Dollar Bar

A quick scan of the bar revealed a couple of more witnesses but none who got as close as the Captain. “There’s no pier here so people don’t realize that we’ll be dropping anchor and swimming to shore; I don’t think Casey saw me until I was right in front of her – within a couple of feet – she looked good – I don’t like what she did so I wouldn’t ask her out like some of the crazy guys in Orlando would – that really creeps me out.”

Meanwhile the island has been overwhelmed by the press joining the locals in the fray. The hotel has called in the islands police to clear the beach of all onlookers and the hotels owner has assured everyone that Anthony is not among his guests. Rumors have fueled speculation even more that there is the connection between the hotel owner who has Orlando connections and the Anthony family; an issue that has not been clarified with certainty as of yet; but many say that the trial was on at the bar almost everyday and that the relationship between the families is common knowledge here.

Just after midnight on Sunday July 17, Casey Anthony quickly walked out the front door of the Orange County jail. Outside in the glare of TV lights, a crowd of about 1,000 hurled curses at the notorious “Tot Mom,” who, according to many, killed her child for slowing down her party-girl lifestyle.

Many protesters and supporters alike wondered where Casey Anthony would go first when released and now maybe they know – the beautiful island of Jost Van Dyke in the British Virgin Islands.

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