
Vancouver: Violence and disorder erupts after hockey loss

Vancouver - As thousands of Vancouver Canucks fans gathered outside to watch the final game of this year's Stanley Cup Finals, a riot broke out, which led to cars being set ablaze, beer bottles being thrown out and riot police making arrests.
In various parts of the world, tens of thousands of people are protesting against their government’s oppressive policies and/or austerity measures that are occurring due to massive volumes of debt.
In Vancouver, though, thousands are rioting because their home team, the Canucks, faced a devastating 4-0 Game 7 loss in the Stanley Cup Finals Wednesday.
Eyewitnesses have told CTV News that angry mobs have flipped over vehicles, including a police cruiser and a truck. The vehicles were later set ablaze. The rioters have also begun to smash windows with beer bottles near the intersection of Nelson Street and Granville Street.
Following the loss, Vancouver fans chanted vulgar language towards the Boston Bruins and began to set the team’s gear on fire. Rioters also set homemade Stanley Cups on fire. Others carried signs reading “Riot 2011.”

CP24 broadcast helicopter video footage of the riot. The broadcast shows people flipping over portable toilets, individuals jumping over flames, garbage all over the place, fist fights and police officers forcefully arresting assailants.
Fire trucks immediately responded to the scene and put out the fires.
Officers are in full riot gear and are attempting to hold back many of the rioters. The videos show people fleeing the scene and taking photos of the incident. The rioters have reportedly thrown beer bottles and their shoes at the cops on George Street.
Wednesday’s riot is similar to one that occurred in 1994 following a Game 7 loss to the New York Rangers.
ABC News

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